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Put An End To Common Health Problems
Using What Nature Provides Organically
Fountain of Life (FOL) is a natural daily supplement that provides a significant nutritional boost to the many different types of nutrient deficient foods we consume. Loaded with a full spectrum of lignans derived from the Norwegian Spruce Tree, FOL possesses the unique ability to neutralize the impact of free radicals in our body, and reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and even promote weight loss.
These are some of the other benefits reported by people who have made FOL a regular part of their daily diet:
The benefits of FOL far outweigh the risk you assume by relying on food alone to sustain your overall health and well-being.

BENEFITS OF Fountain of Life
Protect Heart Health
Studies show that eating nutrient-rich fruit and vegetables, lower the risk of heart disease by up to 65%.
Protect Your DNA
Lignan help prevent free radicals in the body from damaging the DNA in healthy cells.

Reduce Colon Cancer Risk
Lignans increase the self-destruction of cancer cells, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and carcinogen-deactivating enzymes.

Protect Prostate Health
Incorporating lignans into your diet will help alleviate the symptoms of benign prostate issues.

Improve Hair Health
Lignans has been shown to slow the progression of hair loss in both men and women.
Reduce Breast Cancer Risk
A recent study found that high dietary intakes of lignans were associated with reduced risks of breast cancer.




Join The Thousands Who Rave About FOL
Other Benefits of Lignans in the diet

Immune System Booster

Decrease Chronic Inflammation

Decrease Colon Cancer Risk

Improve Sugar Metabolism

Improve Visceral Fat Metabolism

Lower Body Weight


Reduce Hot Flashes

Immune System Booster

Decrease Chronic Inflammation

Decrease Colon Cancer Risk

Improve Sugar Metabolism


Reduce Hot Flashes

Lower Body Weight

Improve Visceral Fat Metabolism